Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its the 8th Annual NC Gold Festival!

If you are planning a fun trip in the beginning of June, you should definately drive down to Old Fort, NC for the 8th annual North Carolina Gold Festival. It's being held on Friday & Saturday the 3rd and 4th of June at the MT. Gateway Museum Grounds in Old Fort, NC.

There is entertainment scheduled during the event, and just take a gander at what they will have for you...

* Gigantic treasure hunts
* Gold Panning
* Demonstrations & Exhibits
* Mining Equipment and Vendors
* Music
* Food
* Door Prizes!

You can also enter for a chance to win a FREE gold nugget. Just text the word GOLD to 67777 and you will be entered to win.

1 comment:

  1. That's definitely a great event. I hope they do it annually. I love the Gigantic treasure hunts.

    mining equipment
